RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog

Urs Spörri

Wisdom, TA’10

Wisdom Guru‘s quotes Jetzt s‘töffli aalah und öi buebe uf gränche flüüge Imperator – wenigschtens isch dä wy appropriate für mich – skopje, 12.6.10 ich mäldä öi dönn a für d‘sälbschthilfe gruppe – webmaster about the pilots än facebook junkie – guess who dihei chauf mär z‘erscht a paar muppet show dvd; cha nüme si …

Wisdom, TA’10 Read More »

Conclusion, TA10′

We are sure that we will hear questions like „what did you like best“, „what impressed you the most“, „what is the conclusion“, etc. We try to address this with this page. Before we started planning the trip, our knowledge about africa was rather limited. During the 12 month preparation, we followed the news about …

Conclusion, TA10′ Read More »


8th of June – Abu Simbel Breakfast in the restaurant at the 16th floor is quite nice; food and view over khartoum. The hotel is actually top notch; it belongs to mr. Qaddafi of libya. Formalities at khartoum airport are rather slow but we finally take off almost on time. There are pictures of a …

Egypt Read More »


5th of June Another wonderful breakfast at the addis sheraton and we are off to the airport. It is amazing how much construction is going on; addis ababa is waking up. Formalities at the airport are done in no time, to get to the airplane is a bit complicated. But we are in the air …

Djibouti Read More »