RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog



Four hours flying over Brazil and another four to Barbados. A long day for the pilots.

Same procedure as yesterday: getting up at 05.00h, driving to airport at 06.15h and this time everything works and we are in the air by 07.15h flying north to Belem. Exactly after four hours we reach this city of over 1 million people. We fill up the plane, rush to the rest rooms and clear immigration. Within 45 minutes we are up in the air again and are cruising along the coast over French Guiana, Surinam and Guyana towards Barbados.

We arrive in Bridgetown after a long 4 1/2 hour flight. Handling, fueling and immigration is again very efficient (actually the main reason we have chosen to go back here) and we are in the hotel by 17.00h. Weather is not too good so again no beach day (or evening) here. After this real long flight and everybody is happy to jump under the shower. Dinner at the hotel and at 21.00h we are all sound asleep!



