RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog

Transafrica 2010

Agadez, Niger

Kader drives us to the airport and take-off is exactly at 09.00h. Police and airport administration is more efficient than switzerland; everybody seems to know that we are friends of abdelkader and we get treated accordingly. They even don‘t want to see rainer‘s custom‘s declaration that he left in the airplany. We fly on 6‘500 …

Agadez, Niger Read More »


In many ways Tegucigalpa is a typical, sprawling Central american metropolis. The streets are often snarled with fume-belching traffic, while the crowds are thick and the pace is frenetic. However, the setting is spectacular- the city is nestled in a valley surrounded by a ring of mountains. We are still not sure whether we can …

Preparations Read More »