RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog

Juliaca, Peru

Juliaca, Peru

Covering 8‘400 sq km and sitting at 3‘808 m, Lakte Titicaca is considered the world‘s largest high altitude lake. The air looks magically clear here, as dazzling high-altitude sunlight suffuses the altiplano and sparkles on the deep waters.

After a good night sleep, a very good breakfast and saying good-bye to Herbie, we leave at 07.45h for the airport. We hope that we can leave on time since we are still waiting for one permit for Peru. Even though we started the process 6 months ago and Tom and the crew in Zurich are working feverishly the last couple of days, we still wait for it. Getting through all the controls at Quito airport is again very efficient but than the waiting starts. We are told by the people here that the bureaucracy in Peru is unbelievable – and we make that experience too. It takes Tom tons of phone calls, he even talks to the lady in Lima who is responsible for it – but it takes over two hours. Finally we leave 2 1/2 hours late due to these bl*$!+ idiots in Lima and we wonder how things will develop there since we have 3 landings and take-offs in Peru.

After a 3 hours flight, taking-off at 2‘850m we land in Lima for a fuel stop at sea level. At least things are efficient here and we take off after 56 minutes. And now the race starts! We fly along the Andes mountains at full speed; the airport at Juliaca closes at sunset which is today at 17.14h. Thanks God we have some tailwind and it will be close. We approach Juliaca airport, altitude 3‘800m at exactly 17.14h! As the pilots approach a bit fast, we have to do a go-around; but at least they can‘t send us away now since we started the procedure. A picture perfect landing this time and we roll to our parking; and the sun is setting…

We are out of the airport in no time and a van of the hotel picks us up. Driving through Juliaca (over 300‘000 people) and Puno (200‘000 pop.) we arrive after 2 hours at the hotel. A realy nice place – probably the nicest hotel on this trip so far. Everything is done very tastefully with local materials and great taste! Congratulations Sergio! A quick shower followed by a nice dinner and a nightcap at the bar; we are in bed before 22.00h. What a day it was!



