RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog



Brasilia – 11th of June

As it celebrates its 50th anniversary, Brazil‘s one futuristic capital is showing its age, but it remains an impressive monument. Built from nothing in about three years, Brasilia replaced Rio de Janeiro as Brazil‘s center of government in 1960 under the visionary leadership of President Juscelino Kubitschek and architect Oscar Niemeyer.

A good night sleep again again thanks to the lower altitude here in Asuncion. Everybody is well rested and the procedures at the airport are very efficient: we just walk out to the plane, get all the documents from the handling agent and off we go. From now on it is all direction north-east: homeward bound. Asuncion is the most southern point on our journey.

Once on cruising altitude of 27‘000 ft., we leave Paraguay pretty soon and fly over the fertile plains of Mato Grosso do Sul. We realize again how big Brazil is: about the size of the United States of America!

After landing at Brasilia International Airport, the fuel is here pretty quickly but it is also the most expensive on the whole trip so far. Again a lot of forms and offices but at least the drive to the hotel is short. We are amazed how wide and green everything here is. One feels almost in a park and not in a city of over 2 mio. people!

We book a sightseeing tour right away and get picked up after having a salad. We get shown all the important buildings and get a lot of explanations. Some of them you find below. One is impressed with all these modern buildings – but we doubt whether we could feel at home here; not really so cozy.

Dinner at Fogo de Chao is excellent – almost like home.

The history of Brasília, capital of Brazil started in 1960. President Juscelino Kubitschek ordered the construction of Brasília, fulfilling an article of the country’s constitution dating back to 1891 stating that the capital should be moved from Rio de Janeiro to a place close to the center of the country. The plan was originally conceived in 1827 by José Bonifacio, an advisor to Emperor Pedro I, who presented a plan to the General Assembly for a new city called Brasilia with the initial idea of moving the capital farther westward from the already heavily populated southeastern corridor. The bill was not enacted because Emperor Pedro I dissolved the Assembly.

Lúcio Costa won a contest and was the main urban planner. Oscar Niemeyer, a close friend of Lúcio’s, was the chief architect of most public buildings and Roberto Burle Marx was the landscape designer. Brasília was built in 41 months, from 1956 to April 21, 1960, when it was officially inaugurated. Right from the beginning, the growth of Brasília exceeded expectations.

From 1763 to 1960, Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil. At this time, resources tended to be centered in Brazil’s southeast region near Rio de Janeiro. Brasília’s geographically more central location made for a more regionally neutral federal capital. The idea of locating the capital in the center of Brazil was first suggested in 1891 but was not defined until 1922.

According to legend, Italian saint Don Bosco in 1883 had a prophetic dream in which he described a futuristic city that roughly fitted Brasília’s location. Today, in Brasília, there are many references to this educator who founded the Salesian order. One of the main churches in the city bears his name. When seen from above, the city’s original plan resembles the shape of an airplane, but many prefer to refer to it as a bird with open wings; however, the architect’s original urban concept pointed to the shape of a cross.

Natal – 12th of June

Sun and sand draw people to Natal, a bland but relaxed capital near the nation‘s northeast corner; simply like the Rimini of Brazil. For us it is the closest point to Africa for our Atlantic crossing; and it still is the longest leg of flying on our journey.

A good night sleep since the temperature at night is civilized and the windows of the hotel room can be open. Start-up is at 09.05h but it takes us until 09.35h till we can take off. Quite a big airport here with a lot of traffic. So we start our 4 hour domestic fligh north east to Natal over the wide plains of this huge country.

Handling in Natal is very efficient and within 45 minutes we checking into the hotel (supposedly one of the best), are having a small lunch and then walk along the beach. As it looks like; the Rimini of Brazil! Not really our cup of tea and after getting some rain, we are back in the hotel arranging last things for the big crossing tomorrow.

Natal – 13th of June

We planned this day as an extra day in Natal in case we have bad weather or strong headwinds on our way to Africa. Now we have a complete change of plans: no permit from the Brazilians to cross the Atlantic. This means somehow back to the US; and a lot of additional planning.

Up early in the morning and checking out of the hotel at 06.15h. Fueling and ready for taxi. Tower is asking us whether we high frequency communication equipment – which we don‘t have. We have the permit for Cap Verde but not for Dakar yet. Brazil needs now this permit too. The folks at Jet Aviation do a great job and after a few hours we get it. All we need now is permission from the Brazilians – and it takes time! Waiting, waiting, and phone calls!!

We decide to go back to the hotel since we have to wait anyway and it is too late now. The handling agent will work on the permit an inform us as soon as they have news. So we have lunch at a local place, watch the football match Denmark – Portugal and decide to walk down to the beach. There the phone rings and we get news: negative! No permit from Brazil.

This means for us all the way back to the US and leaving the plane in New Jersey since we will clock 100 hours of flying there and a big service for it. So plan B comes into action and we start mapping out a trip back to the US. Meanwhile they show Holland – Germany, another good game. And the Brazilian commentator is just great: gooooooooooooooool!!!

Dinner at a good restaurant next door and a nightcap in nice bar with some good live music. Early to bed again as it will be a long day tomorrow.



