RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog

Pemba, Mozambique

Pemba, Mozambique

Today is halftime for transafrica 2010. We are on the road/in the air now for 18 days but it feels like 4 – 5 weeks. It is just amazing all the impressions we got so far. And the most amazing thing is that we never had a technical problem, were never delayed (everything went like a swiss clockwork), had never any health issues nor did we have any issues amongst the three of us. The huge preparation work seems to pay of; a perfect trip so far!

Smooth ride to airport, no immigration and airborne from lilongwe at 09.05h. We fly over the lake malawi which is the main attraction of this country. It is slightly larger than the lake of zurich we are used to: 365 miles long and 52 miles wide. Therefore it is also called the „calendar lake“: 1 mile for each day.

Clouds are building up quickly and we fly further east to the indian ocean. After roughly two hours we fly over the pemba peninsula, circle over the airport and are happy that we have reasonable temperature again over 30 degrees. One can feel immediately that this was a former portuguese colony; everything is slow again. Leve, leve! Fueling takes longer and handling service is not the best. But worst: the the pemba beach hotel we wanted to go is completely full since there is a convention. But thanks to mr. Frey‘s negotiation skills we get a villa and are very happy: one of the nicest hotels so far with a very nice pool and beach.

Lunch takes a bit longer again; which means we wait almost 45 minutes for our food. We wonder whether we already should order our dinner now. At least we would get it on time then. While the pilots are taking their beauty sleep (and they really need it!!), the webmaster tries to capture the atmosphere with some pictures. I hope you like them.



