RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog




How about flying in a singe engine aircraft?How about flying around a continent?? How about Africa???

Rainer came up with the idea in 2009 and proposed it to the rest of the group over a beer. Well – why the heck not! Let‘s fly down the West Coast, cross the continent on the Equator and follow up the East Coast again. That was at least the initial route…

Pretty soon we learned that travel in Africa is slightly different. One of the biggest risk is hijacking, especially up north where some terrorist organizations are active. Furthermore is almost the entire west coast unstable with some kind of civil unrests. This is even more the case in the center where some nations are in the process of dissolving and civil wars are still going on down there.

Finally we were able to draw up a route that is pretty save and most interesting; Internet makes live so much easier these days! Tom took care of the flying part of the journey, Urs organized the culture (sightseeing) part and Rainer made sure he got all the flying licenses in time.



