RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog

Quito, Ecuador

Quito, Ecuador

High in the Andes amid dramatic mist-covered peaks, Quito (elevation 2‘850m) is a beautifully set city packed with historical monuments and architectural treasures. The jewel of Quito is its historic center, a Unesco World Heritage Site. We love this place and its people.

Today is one of the longest legs of our journey: about 6 hours of flying. Therefore we meet with the rest of the group at 07.00h for breakfast, say good-bye to Walter and Michi together with Forschti drive us to the airport.

Here the bureaucratic nightmare begins. Our handler, a young lady, is already expecting us since we have to clear Federal Police at 07.45h. They change shifts at 08.00h and are therefore closed till 09.00h. The customs officer who is supposed to be here at 08.00h (he was called this morning and knew already since Saturday) shows up 08.20h. Typical macho guy… The flight planning office is also complicated and we lose another 30 minutes. Our handler is running around and constantly making phone calls; we would be completely lost without her since amazingly enough most Brazilians (even officers at the International airport) don‘t speak English. But finally we are in the air at 09.30h – more or less as we planned.

After a 5 hour flight we touch down in Quito and don‘t really know what to expect. The handling is done by a lady again and as usual in these regions; it works hundred times better when women are doing it! In now time we are through immigration, customs and a bus brings us to the hotel right in the center of the old city. We drive through some of the poor neighborhoods and even they look well compared with the Favelas in Brazil. Everything is clean, people look civilized and are nice; a real treat after countries like the Guyanas.

Quito is Ecuador‘s second largest city, after Guayaquil, and has on of Latin America‘s finest colonial centers. The city‘s altitude is 2‘850 m, is around 70 km long and 3 km wide and home for 2.3 million people. The Old Town was built centuries ago  y indigenous artisans and laborers, Quito‘s churches, convents, chapels and monasteries are full of history.

Wo we decide to hire a guide and 45 minutes after checking in at the hotel, we are already on a city tour. First we visit Ecuador‘s most ornate church, La Compania de Jesus. Construction of this marvelously Jesuit church begun in 1605 and was not completed for another 160 years. Seven tons of gold were used for decoration – what an amazing place (unfortunately no cameras allowed). The Plaza Grande is Quito‘s small, exquisitely restored central plaza (also known as Plaza de la Independencia). On one side is the Palacio del Gobierno (Presidential Palace) where the chief still carries out some business. Other beautiful buildings alont this square are Quito‘s cathedral, the Palacio Arzobispal (Archbishop‘s Palace) and of course our hotel. We later visit the Plaza & Monasterio e San Francisco, the city‘s largest colonial structure and its oldest church (built from 1534 to 1604).

Back in the hotel we have an exquisite Ecuadorian dinner and everybody is very, very tired at 21.00h. The long flight, the interesting city tour and maybe also the altitude. So early to bed for a good night sleep.

Boa Vista


