RMF Travel

Impressions, Pictures and Blog

Teheran, Iran

Teheran, Iran

After a rainy night in Georgia we make another attempt to take-off. Again very efficient handling on the ground and at 09.15h we are airborne; 1 1/4 hour after leaving the hotel. The flight plan takes us over Aserbaijan, the Caspian Sea straight down to Teheran. During the approach we are first impressed by the high mountains and then by the size of the city. It is just huge!!

We are also surprised by the efficient handling on the ground: petrol is here immediately, while we fill up the plane our handler does immigration for us. So we are out in no time. We were expecting strict controls of everything – but non of this. Officials are very friendly and everybody seems happy to see us foreigners.

In the arrival hall our guide Maria and the driver is waiting for us The bus is a bit antiquated but ok. Traffic is as crazy as everybody told us but Teheranians are good drivers. The next very positive surprise is the Persian Azadi Hotel: modern, western with all the comfort. They have Wifi in the lobby and Internet connection in the room. And it is not that slow as everybody told us.

Out of the uniforms into something more comfortable and off to the city Tour. First we have lunch at the Nayeb, one of the best Persian restaurants in the country. Food is excellent and the Islamic beer (no alcohol of course!) is ok. One of the most dangerous things in Teheran is crossing the road: they just don’t stop for pedestrians and every year around 20’000 people get killed. So we cross the roads like a group of „Häfelischüeler“. After fighting through traffic, we arrive at a palace that belonged once to the former Shah. Unfortunately there are three ministers visiting it today so the place is just closed. Unthinkable in Switzerland. So on the Tajrish Bazar where we move with the crowd. Many impressions and smells in the air; and tons of people. What we realize is how many young people there are and how many beautiful women under their chadors: nice faces with tasteful make-up, some even with high heels. Islamic culture with a Western touch. Right next to the Bazar is the Emamzade Saleh Holy Shrine, a mosque in Iranian blue colors. Take off shoes and go for a visit. Again no hostile faces while we walk through people doing their prayers. Next stop is the Freedom Tower, a modern construction ranking among the highest buildings in the world. A nice view and on the top floor are local artist producing their goods and selling them. Obviously we make an impression so we get our picture taken with costumes dating back to 1890. The three wise man.

Back in the hotel the pilots go for a dinner in the hotel and the webmaster meets friends that run a Karate school here in Iran. Nice to see them (husband and wife, both instructors) again after all these years! We drive to another local restaurant, Leon, and webmaster can’t believe his eyes: a top modern place, people in western dress’ and again not the ugliest women. Latest chill-out music and really cool interior decoration. On the way out we pass a shop that sells exclusive Swiss watches and along the side walk, there are the latest models of Porsche’s and Mercedes AMG parked. All this in the land of Mullahs! Back to the hotel and there a wish/request for coming back with families and teaching a Karate seminar here in Iran.

The first day is really completely different from what we expected: friendly welcoming people instead of bureaucrats and hostility:



